Monday, March 25, 2013

Can You Get Rid Of Herpes?

Can You Get Rid Of Herpes?

If you follow traditional medicine, you will often be told that you can’t get rid of herpes but if you look here you will find that is a myth. The question ‘Can you get rid of herpes?’ has often been answered with a resounding no – no cure is available but things can be done to soothe your pain. 

Traditional Medicine Says No! 
Normally, if you are ill, you can simply go to the doctors surgery and get treatment or medication to make you feel better. However, if you go to the doctor and tell them you need a cure for herpes then you may find that they can’t give you any treatments. This is because herpes is a viral disease that is very similar to chicken pox and there is no permanent cure available. However, making your life more comfortable by getting medicines and treatment is possible.  
The Best Treatment Is Prevention! 

The best way to prevent getting herpes is to make sure you don’t indulge in unprotected sex. Now, we all know that when you are “in the moment”, protection is not always at the forefront of your mind but if you take the steps to stay protected then it will make life easier in the long run. 

Anyway, enough of the preaching! If you get to the point that you have contracted herpes then it isn’t the end of the world and there are all sorts of things that you can do to make sure that your life is more comfortable. Prescription meds are not the only way either – there are natural remedies that can also help. 

Natural Herpes Remedies And Cures 

The worst part of contacting herpes is the blisters or sores that appear on your body when your condition flares up. One of the best natural treatments used to help soothe herpes blisters is baking soda. You can use it in conjunction with soft cotton wool balls or pads to layer it on your blisters and it will help to dry them out and reduce that nasty itchiness. Another great idea is to use Epsom salts in your bath to help reduce itching and scaliness. 

Keep Your Immune System Healthy! 

If you take the time to keep your immune system well boosted then that will help to keep the herpes symptoms at bay. You should follow a good diet and also think about added supplements like multi vitamins. Echinachea and herbal teas are also known to work well.


Herpes is a virus that invades the body and stays put--you can never get rid of the virus, but you can treat it and reduce the amount of flare-ups of the virus that many people experience. Herpes is a distant cousin of chicken pox and produces many of the same symptoms such as rash and cold sores. Flare-ups can be triggered by stress, diet and exposure to the sun. Learn how to get rid of herpes naturally, for peace of mind, control over your own condition and to save money.

Step 1

Treat herpes skin irritations and blisters with baking soda. Dip a cotton ball into baking soda and apply directly to blisters or sores, which will help dry them out and reduce itching. If you don't have baking soda, use cornstarch.

Step 2

Soak in Epsom salt. Fill your bathtub halfway full with warm water and add about 1/4 cup of Epsom salt into the water and dissolve. Soak in the tub for about 15 to 20 minutes for effective relief from itching, and to help soothe and reduce skin irritation and blistering. This soak will also help reduce the duration and oozing of blisters for faster healing.

Step 3

Add L-lysine to your diet. L-lysine is an amino acid found in foods such as pastries, cookies and many cereals. L-lysine is effective in the treatment and prevention of blisters and sores caused by herpes in the mouth and genital region. You can also purchase lysine as a supplement from your local natural food or drug store. Take approximately 1,000mg of lysine three times a day with meals during periods of flare-ups, and take maintenance doses of approximately 1,000mg a day during dormant periods or if you suffer from frequent outbreaks.

Step 4

Take echinacea to help boost your immune system and to deal with several types of herpes, including genital herpes and herpes virus type 2. You can purchase echinacea from natural food or vitamin stores, as well as your local drug store. The recommended dosage of echinacea is about 1g three times a day during flare-ups. According to a case study in the "British Journal of Phytotherapy," people who took echinacea within a couple of hours of initial tingling that signaled an outbreak were able to curb both the discomfort and the length of the outbreak. Powdered echinacea works the fastest: dissolve 1/2 tsp. of the powder in juice or tea and drink three times a day.

Natural Methods to Get Rid of Herpes Exposed

There are many existing methods today that claim to be effective ones in addressing problems on herpes but none is like the Natural Methods To Get Rid Of Herpes. You probably have heard about this method already which is why you are on this page now. If you have been struggling with herpes and have been looking for means to get help then this could just be the right method for you. Who knows your search will end here with the use of this one. 
The Natural Methods To Get Rid Of Herpes is brought to us by Sarah Wilcox who once suffered from Herpes. With her method se makes sure that this is able to relieve HSV 2 Symptoms Fast, effective HSV 2 and 1 remedy, and stops further outbreaks. She was able to come up with this method for the reason that she suffered for 2 years with Herpes Type 2. She knew how it felt to have all these shame and frustrations and medications that you have to go through. Now you can be sure that this method comes from the one who knows how you feel and not just entice you to buy on something that has not been proven to work.

Listed below are some of the things that you will discover with the Natural Methods To Get Rid Of Herpes.

- What herpes really is, understand this & you will understand how it's possible to stop outbreaks

- Why lacking in one important element leaves you at the mercy of herpes outbreaks

- An easy to follow detailed herpes relief protocol

- The real reason this amazing herpes remedy has been deliberately covered up

- Why this simple & cheap protocol is so effective against the herpes simplex virus

- How this science based, proven method allows your body to kill the herpes virus

- How to quickly get rid of herpes rash using another amazing and cheap substance

Like any other medications for any diseases, that for the herpes can also be expected not to be given any other resolutions but be advised to take in regular medicines. And s you may agree, the real reason you would not hear about what has to be the easiest and perhaps the only way to kill the herpes simplex virus is because of profit. Many doctors would prefer to give you more medications rather than give you the easiest solutions. And this is where the Natural Methods To Get Rid Of Herpes comes in. 

The Natural Methods To Get Rid Of Herpes details a unique method of actually killing viral pathogens responsible for the herpes virus as well as quick and natural method for healing herpes blisters. This is suitable for both men and women. This is known to be a simple and powerful treatment process which borrows its formulation directly from tried and tested scientific facts as well as age old remedies. Now you can put an end to all your sufferings and start using the Natural Methods To Get Rid Of Herpes.